Make it available. What is that? It’s providing everyone with the chance to use something. In this instance, it’s about the services of your business. Accessibility of your content is important to a lot more people than you realize.
Take a look at how your company will communicate information to its clients. Are there any possible barriers? There’s a good chance that your company hasn’t deliberately excluded anyone, but it’s still occurring. It’s a problem for both you and your customers when a group of customers are unable access your products and services.
A group that is oft been ignored is those who suffer from visually impaired. Think about, “How easily could I understand my document if I had a visual impairment?” Most likely, you’ll need to make it accessible. Let’s look at the most common areas that are not accessible in the workplace.
Why Inaccessibility is a Problem
The world is an extremely visual and awe-inspiring place. Companies are aware of this and utilize this information in their efforts to attract their customers. This can be done by creating appealing ads and giving information about their organization and products in writing. What does this mean for people who have low or even no sight? This means that unless alternative formats are offered, companies make it hard for those who have vision impairments to become customers. It is good news that making it accessible is a simple fix.
What Needs to be Made Accessible?
In other words, you should have every bit of content that you own.
A few examples of documents you can offer in alternative formats include medical information documents and notices, invoicing and agreements, banking forms and menus. While this isn’t a comprehensive list, it illustrates the need for accessibility across all industries. Visually impaired people need accessibility to all the resources like everyone else. If you do not offer documents in alternative formats, your company is losing customers and potential profits.
How to Make It Accessible
Documents are an integral component of the majority of enterprises. You know why it’s essential, but you’re probably wondering, “How can I make it accessible?” This is a good question! There are many methods to make your PDF easily accessible. You can provide the following alternatives for standard print or PDFs that are not accessible:
The Cost of Not Being Accessible
Businesses are legally bound to make their facilities accessible to people who have disabilities. The laws that you need to be aware of include the Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act ( ADA). The government passed these laws to ensure that people with disabilities aren’t excluded from society. Infractions to these laws could cause serious harm and could result in lawsuits. If your business isn’t offering services for people who are disabled, somebody else will. Also, you’re denying customers your services by having a non-accessible company.
Making it Accessible is Beneficial
There are many advantages of having an open company. As an example, right away, you can increase the amount of customers you can attract. Remember, they’re customers who have hundreds of millions spending. By offering alternative formats for your documents, thousands of customers will be able to make use of your company’s services.
Another advantage is that people value and look for companies that are socially responsible. They will view your company with admiration. Ensuring that everyone is represented and is able to access the same documents is a good way to go. If you offer visually impaired people with the accessible documents they require to access, it’s showing all employees that you value their opinions. Unfortunately, a lot of companies aren’t accessible to everyone. By making your content accessible, you can gain the trust of your clients.
As we mentioned in the previous section, the other benefit is that you’ll be in compliance with the accessibility requirements. They won’t go away; therefore, accessibility laws can’t be ignored. Making the first steps to accessibility today will help your business in the near future. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having accessibility.