Processed food is canned, cooked, frozen, pasteurized, or packed.
Many processed foods, such as canned fruit, frozen vegetables, and pasteurized dairy products, are part of a balanced diet. However, some processed products are packed with sugar, salt, additives, and preservatives, which could harm your health.
Reducing your consumption of these processed food items is one of the most effective strategies to enhance your well-being and boost the nutritional quality of your food.
Indeed, when clients contact me for nutrition advice, reducing processed food is among my first recommendations.
Here are ten practical, sustainable, and sensible ways to eat less processed foods.
Have healthy snacks in your bag if you’re struggling to make time; picking a bagged snack as you head to work could seem tempting.
Ultimately, having your kitchen full of convenient, healthy snacks will help you make healthy travel choices.
Some of my favorite healthy snacks are fresh fruit mixed with nuts, eda,mame, and vegetables with Hummus.
If you can spare time, you could prepare a few simple snacks in the days ahead. The hardboiled egg and turkey roll-ups, homemade kale chips, and overnight oats are just a few tasty snacks that can be prepared quickly and have on hand for when you need them.
- Exchange refined grain for all-grains
One of the most effective methods to reduce your consumption of processed food is to begin trading these foods for better whole food.
In particular, you could change refined grains like rice, white pasta bread, tortillas, and pasta for whole grains, like brown rice and whole grain pasta, bread, and tortillas.
Not just is it true that Whole grains are more nutritious, such as fiber, but they’ve also been found to guard against ailments like diabetes, heart disease, and specific kinds of cancer ( 1Trusted Source).
- Be creative in the kitchen.
If you’re looking for a challenge, try making your favorite processed food items healthier by remaking the recipes at home. This lets you take complete control over the food you put on your table and play around with exciting new ingredients.
For instance, you could create veggie fries by mixing zucchini, potato, turnip, or carrot slices with salt and olive oil before baking them until crisp.
Other healthier alternatives to processed foods you can prepare at home include chia pudding popping popcorn in the air, granola bars, or fruit leather.
I like making the meals I have enjoyed at my favorite restaurants at home instead of ordering a takeaway. While you save money, it helps you take in whole food by stocking up on items like vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, and legumes.